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Selene : Underworld (series) with Blade from Marvel

We all have that one movie that opened the door to vampires, for some that may be 'Twilight' but for me that was 'Underworld'. That amazing movie came out in 2003, so I guess I would have been 12 years old!! I was young when I saw it at home with my parents consent. I was mesmerized by Selene, who was played by Kate Beckinsale. So when I started my cosplay journey I new I HAD to cosplay her.


I brought her out for C2E2 to do a collaboration with my good friend who is the best Blade cosplayer (at least that is my biased opinion) Michael also known as _lg_cosplay on instagram!!! This amazing man with a heart of gold is such a blast to work with and I will always support him! Lg_cosplay has been in the cosplay world as a hobby for 10 years! He is know for cosplaying: Blade, Black Panther, and Heimdall the Gatekeeper.

Please check him out here ---->


The photographer that took and edited these photos was Raptor Drone: Photography: Film. He was such a good sport when the cops had to come check us out and tell us to move because people were getting scared with my orange tipped prop guns in the subway.....yeah that actually happened!

Please check out the Photographer here! ----> 

All images in this portfolio and text (c) 2017-2024 Tiffany E. / LadyKage Cosplay Modeling.  No part of this website may be used without express written permission.  All rights reserved.  
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